Friday, February 26, 2016

Investigation about Seas animals

It resolves an animal sea each fish, though the phenomenon did not include her skin on the so-called (penny), a (small circles monolith from the harsh peels which tend them when it is prepared for cooking), has been inflicted, including his Fills varieties (lobster), which is said to have in the Levant (prawns), and in the Gulf countries (shrimp) or (shrimp), because her skin externally disarm them when cooked is as a penny, as well as solve the animal sea of ​​different Osnavh, ranging from whale Sea and the end of the types of countless marine organisms , such as oysters, starfish and snakes, lobsters, crab, octopus and Alcalamar, although it is better and prudent mustahabb, merely eating him fills them.
If you still are on the fish from fills viewer,inadvertent contact with the seabed and rocks, for example, did not hurt that in mind the class of fish that have fills Fish eggs continued his ornament.Eggs, meanwhile, all live in the water from his fish and sea animals, although it is better to avoid eggs that does not have them fills Deprived of sea fish, nor the beasts thereof that would be poisonous to the detriment of human beings damaging statistically him, but that he can remove the injury to treat it in a special way when cooked. As well as depriving the frequently living in the land of the animal sea, so goes the title (amphibian), such as the frog and crocodile, beaver and the like, without what is dominated by the presence in the water, it does not matter out to land a little, as is the case of cancer,marine turtles and dolphins and the like.

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